Highlights of the poll include:
- Opposition increases to 71% for SB 9 and 75% for SB 10 after voters learn more about those bills.
- A plurality of 46% say they would view the governor less favorably if he supported SB 9 and SB 10.
- Two in three voters say allowing the removal of single-family homes, and allowing local government to bypass the review process, makes them more likely to oppose. Half say this about lack of affordable housing requirements, and a plurality of 40% about homeless housing requirements.
- Large majorities expect SB 9 and SB 10 to cause negative effects for homeowners (70%) and neighborhoods (67%). Voters are more closely divided on effects on renters (35% positive, 27% negative, 25% equal mix) and housing affordability (28% positive, 39% negative, 23% equal mix), but on both of these voters are more likely to say "very negative" than to say "very positive."
- Key messages that oppose SB 9 and SB 10 rate higher than supporter messages, with three of the five opposition messages convincing to a majority. The strongest arguments among all voters address the negative impact on homeownership, developers driving up housing costs, and lack of affordable housing requirements in SB 9 and SB 10.
- Among endorsers, support from the CA Apartment Owner's Association gets the most reaction, with 54% saying this makes them more likely to oppose.
View The Results Here:
Poll Results
In less than five minutes, you can TAKE ACTION to STOP two bills moving through the California legislature that will price people out of their neighborhoods and provide ZERO affordable housing and ZERO housing for our homeless population.
Use this form to send a tweet and email to your state assembly member to stop California bills SB 9 and SB 10.
161,000 people are homeless in California, and hundreds of thousands of tenants struggle to pay the rent. Please send a message to your state representative that Californians need affordable housing -- not gentrification and more unaffordable, market-rate apartments.