Housing justice activists have been increasingly pushing for the passage of rent control and the repeal of rent control bans in states and cities all over the country. Rents have skyrocketed the most out of …
Housing Is A Human Right to LA City Hall: ‘Save Our SROs!’
Housing Is A Human Right has unveiled a new campaign to address the homelessness crisis: “Save Our SROs” or “S.O.S.” Single-room occupancy hotels provide essential affordable housing for low-income residents. Yet L.A. elected officials have …
California’s Housing Affordability Crisis Demands the Rental Affordability Act
Californians are getting slammed by a devastating, ongoing housing affordability crisis. They need help now. Top experts at prestigious colleges such as USC, UCLA, UC Berkeley, and Columbia University agree that rent control is a …
‘3 Ps’ Is Best Solution For Housing Affordability And Homelessness Crises
To maximize profits, the real estate industry has long pushed a trickle-down, luxury-housing agenda, fueling gentrification and the housing affordability and homelessness crises. It’s time for a shift — to more humane, logical housing policies …