A disturbing new report by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has found that more than half of the households in the city of Los Angeles are drowning under high housing costs. Worse, …
To Fend Off Excessive Rents and Homelessness, Seniors Need Rent Control
Seniors on fixed incomes are increasingly pushed into homelessness by excessive rents – a life-threatening situation that can be quickly addressed through rent control. There’s no time to wait: seniors make up the fastest-growing homeless …
Sky-High Rents Fuel Homelessness
Two recent Zillow studies show that sky-high rents are fueling the homelessness crisis in Los Angeles and other major cities. Alarmingly, homeless deaths in 20 U.S. urban areas, including Los Angeles and San Diego, skyrocketed …
Housing Is A Human Right Urges LA Politicians to Immediately Carry Out Measure ULA
Housing Is A Human Right has sent a letter to the Los Angeles City Council, urging them to immediately carry out Measure ULA — a recently passed ballot measure that created funding for affordable housing …
UPDATE: It’s Obvious. Americans Need More Affordable Housing!
Update, November 21, 2022: A new Associated Press article explains that Americans want more affordable housing by passing rent control and affordable-housing ballot measures across the country. More details at the end of the article. …
Five Horrible Political Decisions That Fueled LA’s Homelessness Crisis
The homelessness crisis in Los Angeles didn’t happen out of nowhere. Over the years, horrible political decisions made by elected leaders on the state and local levels fueled the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe – between 2020 …
Homelessness Harms Students. Rent Control Will Protect Them.
A recent article by LA School Report shows the devastating impacts of homelessness on students in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Students across the United States are undoubtedly facing the same issues. To prevent …
UPDATE: AB 1482, an ‘Anti-Rent Gouging’ Law, Fails California Tenants
Update, November 8, 2022: A new UC Berkeley Terner Center report says AB 1482 isn’t working for tenants — and may never work if reforms don’t take place. Despite how the real estate industry frames …
Housing Is A Human Right to LA City Hall: ‘Save Our SROs!’
Housing Is A Human Right has unveiled a new campaign to address the homelessness crisis: “Save Our SROs” or “S.O.S.” Single-room occupancy hotels provide essential affordable housing for low-income residents. Yet L.A. elected officials have …
Rent Is Still Too Damn High! We Need Rent Control.
There’s been a recent flurry of news stories about rents skyrocketing in cities throughout the nation. The Hill even reported that rent prices in February hit a “new high” in the 50 largest metropolitan areas, …