In a few months, Californians will vote by mail or walk into the local polling place and decide if Proposition 21, the ballot measure that limits unfair rent increases, should be passed. For middle- and …
Top 10 Real Estate Contributors That Oppose Rent Control in California
Despite a global pandemic that’s fueling mass unemployment in California, Big Real Estate has been contributing millions to stop the expansion of rent control through the Rental Affordability Act. Housing activists say rent control is …
Corporate Landlords Behind Campaigns to Stop Rent Control in California
Corporate landlords are financing two campaigns to stop the Rental Affordability Act, the November 2020 ballot measure that expands rent control in California. Concerned that rent control will impact the outsized profits they’ve gained by …
Corporate Landlords Spend Big Cash to Stop California’s Rent Control Movement
It’s only January, and Big Real Estate is already shelling out major cash to stop California’s rent control movement. According to state filings, corporate landlords such as Essex Property Trust and UDR have so far …