Last fall, Brian Callaci and Sandeep Vaheesan, of the Open Markets Institute, wrote a must-read white paper on ways to solve the housing affordability crisis. Published in the Harvard Business Review, it made clear that

Senators Call for Investigation Into Rent Gouging of Military Families Through RealPage Software
In Featured by Patrick Range McDonald / Feb. 05, 2025U.S. senators Elizabeth Warren and Ruben Gallego have recently sent a letter to the Department of Defense calling for an investigation into whether landlords are using RealPage software to rent gouge military families. Over the

Big Real Estate Raised $171.6 Million to Kill Prop 33 and Pass Prop 34
In Featured by Patrick Range McDonald / Jan. 30, 2025For the 2024 election, Big Real Estate raised a whopping total of $171.6 million to kill Proposition 33 and pass Proposition 34 in California. Several of the top contributors are the country’s largest corporate landlords.

Housing Is A Human Right Offers Vital Information Hub About California Apartment Association
In Featured by Staff / Jan. 07, 2025At its website, Housing Is A Human Right now offers a vital information hub about the California Apartment Association, the powerful front group for the nation’s largest corporate landlords. The California Apartment Association and Big

California’s Ellis Act Has Devastated the Lives of Tenants for Decades
In Featured by Patrick Range McDonald / Jan. 07, 2025For decades, the Ellis Act, a statewide law in California, has devastated the lives of tenants, including seniors and children, by forcing them out of their homes through evictions to make way for luxury housing.

Exclusive: Top Ten Contributors to No on Prop 33 and Yes on Prop 34 in California
In Featured by Patrick Range McDonald / Oct. 22, 2024It gets little, if any, media coverage, but a small group of corporate landlords are overwhelmingly funding the No on Prop 33 and Yes on Prop 34 campaigns in California. Additionally, several of those companies

Scandal-Plagued Contributors Shell Out $102.5 Million to Kill Prop 33 and Silence AHF
In Featured by Patrick Range McDonald / Oct. 01, 2024Scandal-plagued contributors from the real estate industry have shelled out a shocking $102.5 million to kill Proposition 33 and pass Proposition 34 in California – and that number is only rising. The controversial donors include

Invitation Homes Contributed $500,000 to Kill Prop 33. Now the Corporate Landlord is in Big Trouble with the FTC.
In Featured by Patrick Range McDonald / Sep. 25, 2024Invitation Homes, a corporate landlord that’s routinely getting into major trouble, has agreed to an eye-popping $48-million settlement with the Federal Trade Commission for “unlawful behavior against renters.” Through its wholly owned subsidiary, THR Property

Will Corporate Landlords Spend $100 Million to Kill Prop 33 and Silence AHF?
In Featured by Patrick Range McDonald / Sep. 12, 2024It’s only September, and corporate landlords have already shelled out tens of millions to kill Proposition 33 and silence AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) through Proposition 34. At this rate, Big Real Estate will likely shell

Why is UC Berkeley’s Ken Rosen Trying to Deceive California Voters?
In Featured by Patrick Range McDonald / Sep. 03, 2024UC Berkeley Professor Ken Rosen has a lot to answer for. In a new TV ad paid by the California Apartment Association and corporate landlords, Rosen tries to come off as an independent voice, explaining