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Wall Street Landlords Vs. California Renters

In News by Patrick Range McDonald

In the fight over Proposition 21, the line of battle is clear: Wall Street landlords versus California renters. Corporate landlords such as Blackstone Group, Essex Property Trust, and Equity Residential are determined to do anything …

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Who Supports California’s Proposition 21?

In News by Patrick Range McDonald

As Big Real Estate’s No on Prop 21 campaign spins and distorts, there’s one thing the real estate industry can’t change: the overwhelming support of trusted leaders and organizations for Proposition 21. From California’s housing justice …

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Who Else Is Scheming to Stop Proposition 21?

In News by Patrick Range McDonald

As we all know, the Barons of Big Real Estate — billionaires Sam Zell and Jackie Safier, millionaires Tim Naughton and Dallas Tanner, to name a few — are pumping millions into campaign committees that …